Ultrasound Angiology
Educational Program Series for Physicians in Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics
Medtrain - an international educational center specializing in postgraduate education for healthcare professionals. Since 2011, over 23,000 specialists from around the world have chosen us for their continuous learning.
Welcome to Medtrain - an international educational center specializing in postgraduate education for healthcare professionals. Since 2011, over 23,000 specialists from around the world have chosen us for their continuous learning.

We take pride in our instructors actively participating in international educational events, enabling us to provide our students with the most current, modern, and reliable information. Our courses are conducted in a convenient online format, featuring video lectures from experienced educators and accompanying workbooks for enhanced understanding.
By choosing to train with us, you can be confident in receiving information at the level of leading global educational organizations. Our priority is the quality and practical applicability of educational content.

Join Medtrain and become a leader in the world of medicine. Our programs will help you enhance your skills and career. Submit your application now - it's the first step toward your future success in medicine!
Comprehensive Course in Ultrasound Angiology (Dopplerography)
Instructor: Boris Blagodir
Number of scientific hours: 144 academic hours
Video lectures: 49
Master classes: 8

Duplex Study of Carotid and Vertebral Arteries
Instructor: Boris Blagodir
Number of teaching hours: 60 academic hours
Video lectures: 24
Master classes: 3
+ workbook

Duplex Study of Arteries and Veins of Lower Limbs
Instructor: Boris Blagodir
Number of teaching hours: 60 academic hours
Video lectures: 22
Master classes: 6
+ workbook

Duplex Study
of Upper Limb Arteries, Superior Vena Cava System, Iliac Veins, and Inferior Vena Cava
Instructor: Boris Blagodir
Number of teaching hours: 48 academic hours
Video lectures: 14
Master classes:1
+ workbook

Online Course
Educational Program Series for Physicians in Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics
World standards

Ultrasound Angiology Dopplerography


Instructor of the Medrain Asia
Training Center for Ultrasound

President of the Eurasian Association
of Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics

Member of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine" (AIUM).


Выбор курса / Choose a course
Телефон / Mobile

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Kazakhstan, Almaty, Auezovsky district, st. Tole bi, 302a


+7 (717) 269 -61-96 (Kazakhstan), +995 (706) 07-04-90 (Georgia),

+996 (312)96-26-67 (Kyrgyz Republic)


